3DXchange 7
Issue 6662
CRITICAL - Facial Morphs Still exist from CC3 in 3DXChange but are disabled for export -can't fix facial morphs for creatures
This was not a good move on Reallusion's part. It makes CC3 only Human compatible. If you wanted to create very unique creature faces and have them look like they are speaking properly, good luck because the ability to fix facial expressions was removed!

We need this function back ASAP! sorry Reallusion this is a demand to have it back, some of use paid for the pipeline version and removing this function makes 3DXChange useless for custom creature creation! all that effort you put into for fixing facial expressions -gone and the work we put into creating custom characters gone!

If you wanted to create a character that wouldn't be compatible for facial motion export, the specific non compatible character type should be in it' own folder in CC3 with a folder description like Gen 6 -not 3DX facial export compatible.

This would save everyone time and money developing a character that in the end can't be completed!
Edit/update: There was a mix up in communication, at first I made a mistake choosing the wrong export option and after I reported it and I was told that it wasn't possible with the latest CC3 Character type which I guess is true if you try to export the 6th Generation head from 3DXchange you will then only have the option for 4 & 5 type heads. In my case I was trying to export just the facial expressions to modify them in Zbrush (This works as intended)
OS: Windows 10
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Submitted byAscensi