Loading an iClone 8 template character or using and imported Ureal skeleton. Savig and loading hand gestures does not work properly, setting one or the other hand and loading internal gestures sometimes work as setup, sometimes override both hands, sometimes saved handgestures doesn't work...More
Hi there, I don't know if this has been mentioned before, but I would love to see the ability to export characters with hair and clothing physics to Omniverse. Either baked physics animations will be just as good if possible. In either iClone, CC4 or both. Thanks...More
-open any project with facial animation in IClone (I'm on 8.02.0718.1) -Export FBX (Unity 3d) with Mouth Open as Morph checked -Upon import in Unity, only the Jaw animation can be seen, all other facial blendshape animation has not been exported/imported...More
Example: 1. Add a CC character in iClone 8. 2. Drop the FBX mocap file (Klappa_boll_hik.fbx) on the character. (The FBX is exported from Rokoko studio using Human IK preset)....More
When I import a Iclone/cc character and rig with UE control rig the right hand fingers are not correct . Only in 5.5. Works fine in 5.4. 1. Export smoothed character from character creator to FBX 2. Import character from FBX to UE5...More
There are two problems 1. missing baked physics track on the timeline -the option to show or hide it doesn't seem to exist. 2. we can no longer right click on the character to remove the vertex/baked physics animation in the viewport,...More
I provided a technique that could prevent cracks in both cloth physics and displacement here: https://www.reallusion.com/FeedBackTracker/Issue/A-crack-free-displacement-Hack-to-add-to-your-Human-Shader Perhaps the last ideal solution to this would be that Displacement maps have the option...More
This seems like it could be an easy fix for clothing compatibility - the vertex shader(spring joint) code that tells the vertices' of clothing to follow the skin should also be used with soft cloth....More
I am trying to make a loop of an animation, where they do one thing and then try to reverse the animation, so it starts in the same place. And if you try to merge these animations together, rather than merging the original animation plus the reverse animation, the system merges the original...More
Dear Reallusion team, (another day, another bug) I've encountered a bug several times, which brings Iclone 8.51 to crash instantly when altering textures inside the "Adjust Color" panel....More