(1)Please prepare effect loader 3rd party's effect(plugin) or user volunteer's effect(plugin) (2) Current i-Clone does not have toon render variety and custom properties....More
-> I get this error when I try to connect Live Face in Motion Live plugin. I have my labtop with Iclone and motion live 3D and the live link face profile connected to WLAN (IP4 I connect my Iphone XS to same WLAN and start the app "live link face" newest version....More
SUGGESTION: To make iClone launch faster, and possibly use less memory, make a new PREFERENCE that lists all your plug-ins and allows you to decide which ones to automatically load when you launch iClone. When you use one that was not autoloaded, display a "Loading..." window message so the...More
This applies to all Reallusion products Extremely useful features for developers have been removed and likely others so I'm requesting a solution that limits Reallusion support to experimental features so they don't need to worry about needing to provide support the features. Here are a couple...More
In iclone foot/hand contact works great. Great tools are also available in Unreal but you have to add to the blueprint. It would be SUPER helpful is as part of the iclone export, you could choose whether or not to include foot and hand contact on the avatar. If you choose "yes" then the imported...More
Dear Reallusion team i want to give some suggestion on some tips for add more features... *Your can add real time camera in iclone just like unreal and Maya etc, others already added and this features is very useful and helpful to create real time capture through camera any video with chroma...More
I have used IClone that's a really wonderful software, but the only problem I'm facing is with its rendering quality. To get a good result I'm dependent of Unreal Engine which is a very complicated process (Even while using LiveLink). So please in your next version improve IClone's rendering...More
• Work with DAZ Productions to develop a more seamless, FBX-less, native DAZ file importer; should work with characters, props, clothing, and even entire scenes in the .DUF or .DSA or .DSE file format. And should work with Character Creator and iClone especially, without the need for 3DXChange...More
Below is a repost from "kungphu" it was never responded to by Reallusion. I would like to know the fix to this situation for a recent project. Unreal Livelink Animation Sync I've tried this with various frame rates for unreal Project (i.e 30fps or 60fpd) and also viewed my own transfer frame...More