I think it would be great to have more default spring bones for characters like glute stomach etcetera rather than just the breasts. I feel like it could add a lot of realism to animations with the extra soft body simulation. I work on Indie video games and there's been so many times I wished...More
Some small tools for working with "loopable" animations for games etc... 1. Temporary walk in place option, where you also can control specific axis to disable on root when working with walk, run loops etc. 2. Feature that in real-time replicate start and end keys to ensure "100% loopability...More
I am currently making turn-in-place animations with iClone7. I mainly use reach target editor and curve editor for IK movement of the feet while the whole body is moving (rotating). The Character is Unreal's default mannequin. (See the attached zip) The thing is when I export it directly from...More
Indeed, I really want at least one extra animation Motion Layer (and Exporession Layer) for secondary movement, like breathing, overshoot, eye movements, etcetera That is, to make the character more alive. So I can put some hold-pose extra movement in the animation, without changing the primary...More
There is a context menu for reversing a motion clip in the timeline. However, there is no such option for expression tracks. Expression clips should also have the option to reverse them....More
Editing the curves of an avatar on i-Clone to fix or improve issues with the animation is something really hard to do in Forward Kinematics, that's why we would appreciate if you could improve the curve editor by replacing the rotation curves "upperarm", "forearm" and "hand" by translation...More
iClone 7 is a great tool for animation, but something important is missing : The ability to change the scale of a character in the timeline! Actually, we can change the size of a character, but it's not possible to do it while an animation. It's something important for many reasons! Recently...More
I edit the mocap animation and export it to fbx, it drawn differently from the animation shown in iclone. When I use unreal live link, it looks fine, but fbx export causes the animation to shift slightly. This problem usually occurs badly in the neck or arms. It occurs in both Unreal or Cinema4d...More
As the title suggests, the animation output after custom motion and FBX export is not the same as what I was working on. Especially in the upper body, the phenomenon is noticeable, and all parts of the head, waist, chest, arms, etc. come out differently than before storage. I found this to...More