I am starting to get a "Refresh Error" message as the program is finished booting and opens to the main Viewport. I have just installed the newest display drivers and I still get the message which has just appeared recently. I haven't installed any programs/apps recently by the way...that I...More
first i bought CC3, after this i bought iClone, between both installation there was 1 month. I first installed CC3 after this iClone. So after iClone installation i became sevreral Errors with the "TEMP " Folder. CC3 was unabale to load the Eye Texture, or in some cases the Skin Texture. One...More
The option for orthogonal view is only for the preview camera that you cant animate Please add this option to the actual cameras too so we can animate the camera in orthogonal view...More
This behavior is typical for any version of iClone (including iClone 6 and 7). The Start(,) button takes a lot longer to move timeline scrabber to the beginning , than to move it to the end with End button. The more intense project is, the longer it takes to go to frame 0, while it does not...More
1. Drag a base character into the workspace 2. choose Animation -> Create Script -Text to Speech 3. Enter the following sentence: "Der zwielichtige Dr. Franken wird dabei beobachtet, wie er seinen Chef, den Leiter des Instituts für Kirchenmusik in Wien brutal erdrosselt."...More
1. Add an avatar 01_G6 Character "Mason" 2. Right-click Manson and select "Perform" (perform.png) 3. Select any motion eg. "Stand to Sit". and always get the error (perform error.png)...More
Hi, I have purchased iClone 7.71 and installed it. But I'm not able to start iClone. It shows splash screen for 1 minute and then it vanishes. Please help....More