Live link plugin no longer pushing animation through to Unreal Metahuman characters. To Recreate the issue Create Metahuman with all relevant components and blueprint setup....More
I can succesfully import character from iClone to Unreal and have it appear correctly at iClone origin but as soon as activating live link from iClone the characters skeleton falls apart - see screenshot attached. When checking in the characters imported blueprint there is deprecated code...More
Enhance facial animation capabilities and tools to enable... -Facial Action Coding System (FACS) based rig. -Adaptive rig: which allows combining any number of expressions using optimized list of blendshapes....More
Dear Friends I have been doing some proyects whth the Unreal Live Link Plug-in for iClone, in UE4.22 and I´m very happy!!! but Is imposible to me to use the Deep of field in versions UE4.23 and UE4.24 is that something usual?? or is something about the configuration of my Iclone plugin for...More
I've tried this with various frame rates for unreal Project (i.e 30fps or 60fpd) and also viewed my own transfer frame rates to ensure they're at 50PFS or higher. All settings in Unreal are correct for either a 30fps project or 60fps project. Whatever animation I have in iclone always seesm...More
When using LIVE face with Iclone 7 in conjuntion with Unreal Live-link for a custom (non-standard) character, the body mesh deforms within Unreal while looking perfectly fine within Iclone 7. Please find a link below for a video that illustrates this problem. Rampa asked me to submit this...More
I have a friend who claims to have gotten an email from you guys stating that in the near future Live link for UE4 was going to be free. I was highly doubtful, and told him it was most likely spam, as I have seen no-one mention it anywhere. Can you put this to rest? I am a developer who desperately...More
I have the latest versions in use. Had no problems with Live Link until now. If i reinstall iClone it starts normally but after reinstalling Live Link iClone freezes at start. Propably some kind of cleaning problem with Live Link before new installation?...More
I can't believe there is no search function for your stores. I find this VERY frustrating. And i'm sure i'm not the only one. For instance. I am trying to find the physical product (the gloves themselves) Rokoko Smartgloves. But I can only find the software. Does that include the gloves...More