Unreal LiveLink crashes when trying to transfer characters from iClone to Unreal 4.26
Hi There,
I'm trying to send over characters from iClone to Unreal Engine 4.26.2 via LiveLink, the process starts, the transfer command prompt starts but then half way through the process it just crashes and shows send and close or send and restart. Choosing send and restart button throws errors.
Have tried re-installing Unreal Live Link as well as iClone but not avail. Need help! I am using the latest version and updates of all programs.
Hi Jeasy,
Did all characters happen or some character?If only some character,please provide your project file to us.You can use cloud services such as Google Drive, Dropbox or OneDrive to make the files available to us and put the link in your comment. You can use Private Comment if you want to keep it private.Your help is highly appreciated.
These are the other two errors happening in Unreal Engine after transfer. There is an error with the LiveLink Blueprint compile "Get Subject Data" node under RLLive Link Node. Please refer to the screenshots and error messages.
Livelink Blueprint Error.png
Livelink Crash Error 2.png
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