Ive been playing with ur popcorn FX since you guys added it and it still cant do things simple things like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fv_5UBzJvEs&t=377s&ab_channel=Iridesium https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtKQwN9P0sE&ab_channel=Olav3DTutorials...More
So I was working for Lip-Sync contest, spent 7 days working on it everything was working fine. This day, I open project everything work fined,saved project. I came back, in mean time my girl unplugged PC while it was in Sleep mode. I get on PC, I can't load that project, but I can load all...More
Hi Guys, I am wondering about a couple of issues. How to setup a self replicating loop on the time line. Without having to use your loop tool, which works, but is a pain....More
This applies to all Reallusion products Extremely useful features for developers have been removed and likely others so I'm requesting a solution that limits Reallusion support to experimental features so they don't need to worry about needing to provide support the features. Here are a couple...More
If I select a Particle in Smart Gallery for display in Content Manager, I expect it to be shown under Set Template / Particle. Instead it is incorrectly shown under Avatar Template. Steps to reproduce: 1. Select a Particle in Smart Gallery....More
I've tried with all qualities, medium/high, it is still on the same situation. Through all night, I didn't find the way, please, it is very urgent, I must finalize my work. Although you have sent me instruction this morning, I dont have success....More