If you select SET AS DUMMY on a prop, with the "receive shadows" option activated, the shadows on the object are not displayed when switching to ToonShader....More
Hi, That would be great when hiding elements like Avatars or props etc.. to get a better playback speed, for the moment it seems like the computer continues to calculate polygons of hided elements. And,...More
Hi! It would be great to having an embedded decimation function, even better with masking options, as low poly is trendy for a while by now. It would also be great to having wireframe options: color even with gradient options, thickness, opacity... Wireframed presentations also are trendy...More
I exported an iClone CC body obj to 3DCoat to paint (with keep UV) but in 3DCoat anything I painted on the legs would show up on the head. I was using the spline paint tool. So i thought iClone must have some UV issue that wont work for what I'trying to do (just paint anywhere and the paint...More
Just want to put in a suggestion for a new Sky Tool that allows for scaling the size of the sun and moon for Iclone 7. Also, it would be great if there were a Sky Tool plugin for 'fantasy' and 'sci fi' settings including alien planets and other 'celestial' objects like comets, meteors, etc...More
When using AO the effect causes jaggy artifacts around the edges of objects in the scene, I've attached an image, it's just a simple arc shape lit with directional lights, I've maxed out all AO settings to make the issue as visible as possible. The image was rendered at 1080x1920, using 3x3...More