Hello, I would like to make a character that shoots footage of her self with her phone (selfie). The "look at" feature would be perfect for this, but iClone doesn't let me utilize it as the camera is linked to the characters hand. I'm using mocap data of a person actually holding a phone...More
Bonjour depuis la dernière mise à jour impossible de sauvegarder mes clips motions , rien n'est enregistré pourtant il propose la boite de dialogue d'enregistrement mais rien n'est sauvegardé . Par ailleurs iclone se bloque souvent il mange énormément de mémoire. il me faut passer par le...More
Step to reproduce issus 1.open any project with cc3 base and send the file via unreal live link 1.2. 2. play xsens mocap data and send to iclone 7....More
Just like you made already 82 Daily Motions for Office & Business | Office Work pack for iClone same like this you need you make abc workout exercise animation pack Hope so you must do i will purchase this pack if you lunch you know it's very big community in...More
I & others spend so much time writing feedback about bugs ways to increase productivity etc I really wish DA points are automatically given to those that are confirmed issues/assigned -until resolved. I often wait and wait for months not being able to upload new products or create videos/scenes...More
Animations imported via right click in timeline is partly locked for editing. Right clicking this clip after import and all normal features are grayed out and inaccessible!?...More
Please, implement function and shortcut for setting time line Playback Start/End to the selected motion clip. Add this as a setting/animation option -> Adjust Playback Start/End automatic when assigning new motion clip. As you do not have any preview when browsing in the motion library for...More