When I try to save a project, the file name in the title bar remains appended with a star, e.g., test.iProject*. When checking in Windows Explorer, I find that the file has actually been saved, so it seems that it is just the indicator that is not functioning. Sometimes the star disappears...More
Dear Reallusion! I bought Iclone pipeline (CC 3dxchange) in september from you. The program runs on Nvidia GTX 1080 series. Until december was no problem with running Iclone with nvidia driver 39... installed....More
I say "broken" because if this is a fix, it is a disaster. In Iclone 6 the outline feature was constant (AFAIK) in that a one pixel outline (outline width 1) remained one pixel no matter what the scale of the final render. In 7.3 it appears that the outline is not only thinker, but that it...More
Iclone 7.3 is rendering videos fine but Image sequence rendering is broken. When attempting to output at 30 FPS (for example) the resulting images play too slow once in video, perhaps at half speed. Additionally the rendered image files have the wrong frame numbers....More
I was using the emitter for swirling dust clouds in front of a wall, the clouds made a reflection onto a wall. When I turned it off to render a version without the emitter by hiding it in the scene list (eye shut) the reflection onto the wall was still occurring as if it was visible. I deleted...More
After sampling motion and opening Curve Editor, I cannot select any of the motion layers, and I cannot see keys for any layers. The toolbar is also greyed-out UPDATE / WORKAROUND: 1. Select "Edit> Object Transform"...More
Have tried two versions for rendered video output. *.mov & *.wmv. It appears to render and gives all the prompts as if it is going to produce output but fails to write the file. I'll try other output just in case. If it is related to the PopcornFX plug-in, I do have it installed. Followup...More
I have just installed the latest updates to iClone, 3DXChange and Character Creator. I have also installed the PopCornFX plugin and the assorted files that I purchased. All of the content is Watermarked, and then tagged as "Trial"...More