I have the same problem as this post .https://forum.reallusion.com/478351/Smart-Hair-CC3-character-to-UE4-issue?Keywords=hair All my software is up to date. My Workflow, cc3-ic7, the character and animation are imported to UE4 through export FBX, There's something wrong with the hair....More
I'm trying to export facial animation that I've captured with acculips and faceware, but any changes I've made to the talking style editor don't save out in i-talk file, motion plus file and more importantly in an fbx file that I'm exporting to Unity...More
iClone crashes when trying to export FBX file i was trying to export a non standard character iclone pops up the message about memory again and crashes :(...More
I can't seem to get past the "Transfer Files" step with the iClone 7.9 version. The file in question is nothing special, just a CC3+ character. After hitting the transfer button the normal command line window does its thing, then after about a minuet or so the screen locks up, I get the win10...More
im having an issue with the reallusion livelink, in some sets the characters LOD seems to be wrong (get close but lod doesnt change) and some sets it seems fine. also if i set the LOD to 0 nothing happens, any ideas? also they look fine in the skeletal mesh. I am using iclone 7.9 with the...More
I made SEVEN different dance animations using Iclone 7.83. The motion templates I used for this purpose are "Catwalk", "Change pose", "Twirl hair", etc. All the animations for all the dances I made, were combined with items that I purchased from ACTORCORE (“Macarena” and “The YMCA”) and with...More
Currently, in order to send an entire motion from the timeline to 3DXchange or to Add to the various libraries, one must drag the cursor across the Collect Clip section to highlight the desired frame range, then right click and select "Add motion to 3Dxchange" etc... It seems this method was...More
This is not an option in IClone. It is an option in CC3. It should also be in IClone. Also - this option should work properly in CC3. Just unchecking this option does not work in CC3. You must uncheck it, then another option so that the Export preset changes to Custom. Only then does it work...More
I have a future movie concept that I'm working on in regards to a Wedding Movie, and I tried using these older packs that I have, but they are WAY too outdated in movements and visuals, for me to even be able to use for current industry standards. With that being said, do you think you all...More
Example: 1. Create a simple idle animation on any character, locking the feet using reach Effector. 2. Zoom in on the feet in IClone and verify that they do not move....More