-> I get this error when I try to connect Live Face in Motion Live plugin. I have my labtop with Iclone and motion live 3D and the live link face profile connected to WLAN (IP4 I connect my Iphone XS to same WLAN and start the app "live link face" newest version....More
SUGGESTION: To make iClone launch faster, and possibly use less memory, make a new PREFERENCE that lists all your plug-ins and allows you to decide which ones to automatically load when you launch iClone. When you use one that was not autoloaded, display a "Loading..." window message so the...More
This applies to all Reallusion products Extremely useful features for developers have been removed and likely others so I'm requesting a solution that limits Reallusion support to experimental features so they don't need to worry about needing to provide support the features. Here are a couple...More
iClone doesnt import the animation of the camera(exported from unreal engine 4.26) But blender reads it. So when i import the same fbx file to blender and export it again to iclone then it reads it Dont know if its an iclone's issue or unreal's but i wanted to let you know :)...More
I prize your documentation. Please stop destroying it with unwanted animated graphics. Please give me a master switch to turn them all off. Ever tried to read a book with a fly crawling across the page? It's hard to ignore the fly, isn't it. In a while you would give up trying to read. Please...More
I purchased Nature builder. I doubt if I can really get the most (or much at all) out of it without a tutorial. Will there be a tutorial for 'Nature Builder'....More
When I moved my custom content (specifically iAvatars) from the custom pack to a pack I made called Characters the files got mislabeled. It appears as though the files got named the wrong names but the data did not get overwritten. This happened when I selected multiple Avatars from the custom...More
we need a plug-in or a morph to create and design hair , not to use (blender , . . . . ets) and a terrain maker looks like (un4 terrain ) more realism ....More