Hello, I just download and install CTA3 and CTA3 bonus. After that, i double click mouse on icon to run CTA3 but It don't work . Nothing appear on screen. I'm use win7 64bit. Please help me...More
Take a template G2 character, open in Composer Mode, exchange a face sprite (such as a brow). You need to position the bone (represented by a yellow/blue cross) correctly. That is done better if you magnify the whole character. Under large magnification, it is impossible to move the bone/cross...More
While was trying follow the training video character creation with G3, as shown i video when we select the hip entire character will get selected but, in the version 3.3.3007.1 its not happening while i press on hip only hip gets selected could you please answer how to proceed further have...More
I purchased Crazytalk Animator 3 during the pre-sale period and did not have opportunity to install it until last week (about 3rd or 4th January). Unfortunately, only one day after installation, my laptop broke and I was unable to continue using it. The old laptop still has CTA3 installed...More
I wanted add my voice to those who suggest that Reallusion offer a Linux/Ubuntu version of CrazyTalk Animator. There are a growing number of young animators and artists that use Krita in KDE (which you support with your character import) and Linux as their desktop all over the world. KDE Neon...More
hi Reallusion, we know that you always read all about diferent issue. My sugestion is about , an important function in the update for CTA3 or CTA4 it is requered , function, open last file and auto save, for example I have finished a job that because I can not save it, I lost everything I...More
A few minor, but very important functions are missing, if you ask me. 1. Auto-save. Crazytalk animation does bug and shut-down from time to time. A auto save function would really help here. Just general, while working with animation/video, autosaves eases the pain from time to time :-)...More
For cartoon animator 4 and crazy talk animator 3, i think that the overall animation would look smoother if you could somehow control the frames per second....More