Crazy talk animator is awesome piece of software for 2d animation but one more features needs to added for html5 & animated SVG export. I found that in previous version of CTA 2 there was option for html5 export but it is removed in new version of CTA3. Right now there is no better visual...More
Just a suggestion... I thought it would be good to be able to disconnect subtitles from the camera so they display in front, in one place, in the same size... not moving with the camera. Unless there is another way to display subtitles I have to readjust them each time the camera pans or zooms...More
I am attempting to replace the dummy sprite with a custom sprite. I am not the only person who has this problem which means the program is not performing as advertised. What I am getting is nothing happening in Composer Mode - the Sprite Editor disappears and only shows up in Stage Mode. Double...More
I'd also like to report that the UI is far too small when running on the surface book. It is very close to unusable at this time. There are solutions that involve registry hacks, but that's not going to cut it long term. I highly recommend implementing a solution to the asap. Perhaps something...More
I have a CrazyTalk Animator Project with a friend that have a different CTA serial number, how to use these contents on the respective software without getting watermarked...More
I am having trouble getting the template to work in Affinity designer. There are ZERO tutorials for Affinity despite it being listed as compatible. I bought pipeline thinking I could use with affinity and now find problems - why on PS tuts?...More
After watching the tutorial from 2DAnimation101 I realise that we can change from side (45 & 135 degree angle) to the (front 0 degree angle). I'm thinking that since we can create all kind of character with G3 characters, it would be convinient for the users to be able to animate their own...More
Using the Elastic Male Side G3 character, and doing some facial key editing, I wanted to do a morph based head turn, and wanted to bring the right ear to the forefront. (A terrible idea it turns out since the sprite has a full stroke whereas the opposite ear (LEar, normally on top) has only...More
I would like to see an option for a dark mode for the UI. The bright white can be too much after several hours of working with the program. Thank you....More
Are there plans to correct the G3Animials-Cat-Move-Walk(2L) cycle? In the current version, the left hindfoot appears to slide forward during the intial ground touch-down phase of the walk cycle (see attached)....More