when i'm using camera view the scene looks fine, but if i unused the camera view all the characters and props are being stretch. i attach two images, you can see the difference of the characters....More
The following section of the manual describes the option of linking or embedding external video files in a project: You are here: Project > Project Settings http://manual.reallusion.com/CrazyTalk_Animator_3/ENU/Pipeline/#Resources/CTA3/02_Project/Project_Settings.htm%3FTocPath%3DProject...More
When using the Crazytalk animator 3, it suddenly getting hung and the crazy talk window getting closed. When opening Crazy talk again all the working files not there in the window. Please help to solve this issue system information:...More
i cant save a project or load one... anything that has to do with going to the file manager through the cta3 app...it will freeze immediately saying ' CRAZY TALK ANIMATOR STOPPED WORKING' i updated my graphic driver but the problem continues and i need help to resolve it...More
When the main window is on a normal resolution display and I move the timeline window to a retina display, all dropdown menus are displayed incorrectly...More
Greetings I have a dead line of tomorrow to deliver an animation and CTA 3 just got bugged all of a sudden. Can't fix it... First of all I can not click and drag play bar. It works when I move the mouse wheel but I can not click, hold and drag the current frame....More
The ears do not seem to be properly parented to the face. They should move along in relation to the characters face, however they just seem to float in place which makes the characters facial movements seem unnatural....More
Template tab and Custom tab has identical content. That is, adding an Prop will show up in both Tabs. Further more, looking into the Data folder in installation root, an identical folder structure is added to the "CrazyTalk Animator 3 Custom" folder as in "CrazyTalk Animator 3 Template" folder...More