Open CTA 3 Pro (only have past week), so work, save, then quit, then crash comes up with Apple logs. Attaching latest log copied and pasted into .txt file. And ur user system info file Adam Sheck...More
il manque un outil Pour animer un caractère G2 (cat), tête, Jambe, ARM. Avec 3 D MOTION KEY EDIT Cela crée un dossier temporaire, Qui Fait un bug....More
Sûr CTA trois pro, impossible de mettre des yeux que j'ai fait sur une tête d'un personnage G2 (un chat). il faudrait mettre des bones et les outils de bones n'apparaisent pas....More
When I try to record voice for any character it crashes everytime for any character. And I lose my work everytime. I hope you can solve it as soon as possible. It is very annoying not to use the software that I paid a lot of money and I lose my work when It crashes. Thanks Steps: selecting...More
Hi, I'm using the option "record voice" but when I press the stop button (the button that has a square on) it does not work. I click on it and does not stop recording; right after this, the program closes. I have lost my work several times. This button works for a Mac computer but it does...More
Encore trois heures de perdues; !!! J'ai mis un acteur au milieu de la scène, Stage. Après réouverture, Si on va trop vite, La scène écran clignote; Les voix sont saccadées Dues à ce clignotement C'est le bug. Pouvez-vous améliorer cela?...More
Hello to you. first thank you for your wonderful software that I love. My only problem, is still a good one, when I try to record voice with Facial Mocap with crazy talk animator pipeline, the program crashes. I have a card from his RME audio. I also send you the message after the crash. Tried...More
Hi, I am trying to change the skin color of elastic folks character, Bob_S (side profile). I can change his right hand sprites just fine, but his left hand sprite will only allow me to change the first hand color ("Relaxed"). When I load a new color for any other of the left hand sprites,...More