win 7 64 bit nvidia 770 gt 4GBvram/4GBram i updated windows 7 / nvidia drivers.. cleaned the system installed / uninstalled several times / ran the CTA3 "hotfix" file in the bin64 CTA3 bin64 file all media crashes CTA3 when trying to import in. i right clicked the icon "troubledshoot" got...More
I just purchased the software, installed all content. Unfortunately the software crashes when I try to load the Demos or characters to work with. The loading bar gets to 80% and then CTA3 crashes. Running CTA3 in administrator mode didn't help....More
When I attempt to install Crazy Talk Animator 3 Trial Version on Windows 10 Creative Update Build # 14959 the installer crashes right after imputing the location for the directories. Steps tried: - Run as administrator, no change....More
After making several copies of an object, when flipping one of them all the others, except the original on vibrate when the mouse cursor is moved. See Video:
iMotions not working with cta1 or 2 actors. If this feature has been cut we need a converter because I have a big collection, over 500 in one collection last month....More