The render style allows you to change a color's brightness, contrast, hue and saturation, but is not allowing you to change multiple things about a color at the same time (for instance brightness AND hue). In previous versions of the program, you can do something like: 1) Take a light blue...More
I have Win7 32bit, and received this message when I tried starting the program: "Crazy Talk Animator 3 has stopped running A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available."...More
When I add a morph based head to a G2 or G3 body and Launch the morph based head in an external image editor to edit it,when I bring the head back it becomes distorted and cant be moved . I've tried two different external image editor's that I was able to use before to edit them....More
For some sub window editors, such as the Create Head sub editor window in the character composer, selecting this option does not bring up the window. Instead it appears as if nothing has happened but if you try to do anything you'll hear the 'bell' sound that indicates a sub editor window is...More
before the patch 3.11.1625.1 the attach props in composer mode for face did not work, now after the apply the patch is the body attach prop that doesn´t work......More
After arranging videos and start / stopping them with the visible option I saved the file as a project. After reopening the project it stops working, i.e.the videos are starting from the beginning of the timeline! When deleting the video and putting it back, it works until I save and close...More
1. Create a custom character's head. Replace every facial feature with custom images. 2. The eyes are replaced with the template eyes in the Content Manager. 3. Add this character in to the custom library in the Composer Mode or Stage Mode....More
The Sprite Editor panel has no toolbar at the top. I have a trial version before purchase, maybe it's that reason why don't have a sprite editor? Double click on part of the eny model not opening a browse for replacement. Thanks!...More