Please. For professional animation, sometimes it's better to not have the software automatically tween between keyframes. I would like to request the ability to turn off the auto-tweened feature or may interactively choose what is auto tweened and what is not. It is sometimes better to pose...More
I am completly satisfied with CTA3 and I thank you. I want to point two directions where you could improve : 1 - I have bought so many items and packages, when I buy new ones them I have to check if I already bought, it is long and fastidious this could be done from your side and not as requested...More
Hello to you. first thank you for your wonderful software that I love. My only problem, is still a good one, when I try to record voice with Facial Mocap with crazy talk animator pipeline, the program crashes. I have a card from his RME audio. I also send you the message after the crash. Tried...More
I have to save frequently as it often crashes while I'm working, and every time I do it crashes, meaning that I have to reload the software every few minutes, which grinds my workflow to a halt. Where is the autosave feature? Why is it so unstable?...More
hello sir we crating a character in crazy talk animator 3.3.30007.1 ver in 270 angle we create sprite in right side and when we mirror it to left its not attaching we send character file to u...More
While was trying follow the training video character creation with G3, as shown i video when we select the hip entire character will get selected but, in the version 3.3.3007.1 its not happening while i press on hip only hip gets selected could you please answer how to proceed further have...More
When I use the original sample character with template motion, it works. But when I try to swap the arm to another sprite, the sprite just doesn't attached to the bone. You can see the attached images, 01 is the original, 02 is changing another sprite of the arm....More
It is very difficult to distinguish when an item is selected in the Face Key Editor and Face Puppet. I would like to suggest more colorblind friendly colors or making selections inverse, or possibly just giving a user defined option in the preferences. The colors are so bad that sometimes,...More
Hi, I attached a potted plant (prop) to the hand of a character in Composer Mode. I did the animation of which the character was carrying the potted plant in between her hands...More