#1.Speed up workflow * #2.Organization * #3.Innovation #1.Please allow batch import from the Bone Tab (allow users to either manually highlight a list and make it active or button to automatically detect spring joints based on keyword in the joint such as "tenticle02_spring_joint". Please...More
Unreal 5.2 ML Deformer is impressive. I’d like a muscle deformation system and random pose generator to be used with Unreal Engine at some point....More
* Finally you have the ability to generate displacement maps from normal maps, yes, I've also tested SkinGen and the maps work correctly!!! However.. we need the displacement maps converted from the normals of the other body parts to be able to sculpt and blend a whole character!! -right...More
I had two installs of Zbrush 2022, 2022.0.1 and 2022.0.8 to avoid the Maxon upgrade. When I installed CC4s latest update I was prompted to add Zbrush 2022.0.8 I installed it in a folder 2022.0.8 I followed the steps to re link Zbrushes GoZ Apps and I told CC4 where the new install of the...More
I'm trying to project my mesh to the target mesh in CC4 but it's not working for me. After the Auto-Detection option failed (pic 1) I tried to place the points manually (pic 2), but I kept getting the error message that the points were not placed correctly. What should I do here exactly?...More
CC4.31, Headshot 2.01. A similar issue has been reported earlier IIRC. When editing the headshot photo diffuse map a few times, reprojecting the photo, readjusting skin color etc and editing the diffuse map again a few times the base color map (see screenshots) seems to become currupted. I...More
Hi all, It occurred to me while working with HeadShot v2 that one or several sliders that may be useful is to add a slider to adjust the shape of the head (skull)/face seen from above. Some people have egg shape, narrow up front and wide in back, while others are long and narrow front to...More
I want to create live lip sync in Unity, and I need the character to have independent lip sync blend shapes for sounds like 'Ah,' 'EE,' and 'Oh.' How can I achieve this? Also, I am unable to use the 'Jaw_Open' blend shape to open the character's mouth, until using the character preview tools...More
I created my characters in CC3 using headshot. When I opened them in CC4, and shift from Standard to Extended (Face Key area), it adds, then shows the tongue slider once transferred to Extended. But it's greyed out, and wont allow me to click the box, or do anything, such as use the sliders...More