Working with Exotic creatures as hybrid characters often requires adjustments as to how the joints will move uniquely. I currently having an issue with finishing a character 97% done for the marketplace only to discover some joints will not work properly unless flipped or rotated differently...More
I don't know why we can't use the bone Gizmo display inside Edit Mesh, it almost seems like a waste for an extremely useful concept. Sometimes with custom characters, bones or the mesh may drift apart from each other. The Bones might be in an ideal location but you want to have the rest of...More
A couple issues that might be connected to the same problem. 1. It took a long while to discover what might be making the body and arm materials render black during animation playback. This issue is also present in iC8. Enabling smooth mesh be subdivision seems to correct the render but...More
When I export a character i made using HeadShot I get weird normals in Blender for the head material ... This seems only to appear when I use Headshot, when I export a character that uses the default skin and textures, everything works as expected. See Screenshots in this forum post: https...More
Send a character to IC8 with "Send to IC" button... Now the Filename turns into "TempAvatarWithMotionPlus.iAvatar", which makes it impossible to quicksave by hitting CTR-S Instead you will have to find the file on disk, and overwrite it...More
In the 'hide body mesh tool' one can hide most of the body of a character. The exception is the head. While you can click on the face to hide the face, it leaves eyes the tearline, eyes, teeth, and tongue. This prevents us from adding the ability to easily have modular characters in unreal...More
When I used the PN3 mocap data I tried utilizing the auto import motion option in the CC4 program. The issue when importing the data is the shoulders are very squared. I used the PN3 profile. When I import my mocap from PN3s Axis studio to unreal engine however, the shoulders are perfect, which...More
CC manual says: Character Creator provides Delete Face feature to delete unnecessary mesh faces for fixing or trimming models. The models include character, clothes, hair, accessories and props. So the above statement is not true for cloth and hair. "Delete Face" button is not available while...More