Following a thread in Reallusion support, it has been suggested that we post the following query here to the Feedback tracker as well: We've been trying to figure out an issue regarding animations and blendshapes coming from a CC4 character into Unity. We cannot use blendshapes while an animation...More
I've just purchased the Hair Builder asset for use in CC4, I've tried logging in/out of both the website and the Reallusion Hub but the content is still not showing in the CC4 content manager (which I've refreshed many times)...More
I've recently purchased CC4 and have downloaded most of the free content. However, every time I try to download the "CC4 Projects" content through the content manager, CC4 crashes after a minute or two. Even if I exit and restart, the same thing happens. It looks like some of the content has...More
Getting ready to create scripts for CC4. Opened the script console and found there is already and error in one of the CC4 modules. 1. Launch CC4 2. open the script > Console log view...More
Hi, I've purchased Iclone 8 and Character Creator 4 but I can't download the free Trial content from the market place. When I double click on the trial pack or item. When I check the "view installing list", the downloads freeze at 10% and loops forever (In Iclone and Character Creator). Whatever...More
I recently brought a lot of characters and mapped all the morphs without an issue but just now for only that one character, the blink for eyelashes imports but not for the head I also tried to merge them and import it again but still same issue, it doesnt import the blink morph for the head...More
Just tried to export a couple of the characters from the Young Fashion Vol 5 actor core pack to FBX Casual_F-0054.iAvatar fails to export as either a Clothed Character OR full export (just pops an error "FBX Export Failed' Casual_M_0054.iAvatar - Character Creator crashes exporting the FBX...More