I've been experimenting with different Export settings trying to get the bulk of the 100+ Digital Soul facial expressions into Unity 3D. Through my couple hours of testing I found that only when using the "Current Animation" selection of the Export FBX settings was I able to import the facial...More
I am up to date with the latest version of all Reallusion products. I've been having issues with morph sliders not showing up. Uninstalling and re-installing do not seem to help. The asset folders point to the same place but I get nothing. Template>Reallusion Templates> Is there a fix for...More
After using Headshot1.0 to add a head to a cc3+ body, the command to send to Iclone seems to work, but Iclone says "failed to load file". I have tried various bodies, all cc3 or cc3+ but nothing seems to work. I have also tried to save the figure as an iAvatar. But iclone 8 will not import...More
I'm finding that the Body mesh of a model is clipping through the Scalp mesh when using Blendshapes in Unity. To set this up, I've simply created a new CC4 project, and dropped the default Kevin character into it, and exported the FBX for Unity. I then use Unity AutoSetup to finish bringing...More
Created a head for export to unreal 5.2 made meta human with mesh to meta then tried to apply cc textures after loading them in in the beginning and trying to apply them no option for cc to apply texture. Worked in 5.1.1 but not 5.2 unreal engine....More
Every time I try to Merge Materials on a Particular Character with custom Clothes meshes, the Program crashes on complete, no matter what settings I use, the restore project also cannot be loaded afterwards....More
Have been working in the facial expressions of an avatar using the facial profile editor and GoZ to generate them , but each time I send the character back from Zbrush to CC4 using the GoZ and update the Left eye of the character keeps shifting its position to the other side ,doing weird...More
I used to be able to copy a .ccProject file and rename it to and .iProject file. Now I get an error ("Failed to load file) when I do this. Here is a link to two files. They are identical, but I renamed on to have the .iProject extension. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gzHSXYuqkWdLEvHnn23UU1aFnFApFzoR...More