Create a new character and apply any custume/prop to it. Use the "Hide Body Mesh Tool" to hide all of the character faces. (This is something I do with a full-body suit.) Now export to FBX, and use InstaLOD to create LODs. You'll find that the resulting LOD meshes include a mix of the outfit...More
I downloaded the free blender model: rain v2. System crashes when I try to import. Also seems like it crashes on other easy tasks as well. I like the features, I'm on trial version. Would like to be able to test more thoroughly and have it be usable. My system has plenty of computing power...More
Hello, Having issue with smart hair shader set up (Alpha) in Blender Cycles. Character from CC4 to Blender via CC4 addon, then materials set up in Blender with node wrangler. Scalp and hair transparency have issues and remain black. Overall quality of hair is blocky and spotted with black...More
Hi I was setting up an NPC for may game with an ongoing story ark of becoming a mom. So I used morph creator (from IC8) to give her a pregnant slider. I figured to advancing that slider at deferent points in the game is better than having 3 copies of the model. The slider is only on the...More
This software keeps surprising me and NOT in the good way, what are your devs thinking ffs?! You add the feature to invert normals but you can only do it to the WHOLE mesh and not selectively on problematic parts like collars of shirts? How are you people still making money? Please add the...More
Too expensive, half of Headshot 2 is Headshot (1), from images.. I demand to only pay half price because I already purchased half of the capability....More
i got this message : the pursharte record for this product could not be found reallusion evry time i try to install the Plug-in after buying it ....More
I had to convert the hair into clothing and disable the vertex assigned hair in order to enable soft cloth. In order to get the hair as a functional skin weighted cloth (this will work for fur as well all over the body) - In a previous FT post, I recommended using a hair root map (UV blocks...More
When Re Importing a Character creator Actor, from Blender, the UVs for the teeth and eyes are scrambled. Every customized actor that I had created in the past has been affected by this bug. This started happening after I updated to CC4 Version 4.33 and sadly there is no way to roll back...More