Hello Just purchased the toon characters etc and downloaded the freebie toon light but the light its not loading, neither on iClone or CC3 Please help I want this....More
when exporting a CC3 character to unity, the nostril lighting is acting all wrong. Even when the lighting is straight above the character pointing down, the nostrils are lit. This also seem to be a problem with the mouth, lower waterline, and ears. When the light is pointing upwards, it has...More
No matter the character or asset i;m not able to save a custom asset. In the past i had no problem with this as i already got a few hair assets saved in the custom tab. But im trying to save a new one and no matter what section in the content tab im in i cant save a custom asset. Help please...More
When you restart CC3 the preview is set to High. Even if you exit with Quick mode. And save the workspace as quick mode. Better if it is the mode when you exit or workplace settings....More
I try to import a custom pair of eyes and i cant, it crashes 9/10 of the times. It happened also when i just wanted to replace the whole character from the custom folder(usually around the 3rd time)...More
How can we import hair as an obj now? i tried also as an fbx but says that its missing the root bone. i dont know how to fix this? any suggestion? please help. thank you...More
Issues 1.When weight painting CC3 crashes often usually using the calibration playback pressing stop or when loop isn't used 2. Visual note & Suggestion: Character becomes all black when weight painting and this makes it hard so see smoothness. I hope you will enable normal smooth rendering...More
I can not save anything in the custom bar of cc3 anymore, not even stuff I made and stored there, I can not resave wy and how to fix? it is like that function is disabeld...More
The character creator's high heel function is a good one. However, the feet are not in good position in some poses and animations. This bug also appears in iclone and does not appear in the imported characters(non standard) via 3dxchange.Attached image....More