It takes hours if not days to make major changes/fixes. I click several times and most of the time small changes happen. It's odd though, sometimes when up close or depending on the angle things change. I'm mostly swapping between the smooth and pull mode. Is it really pull? or is it addition...More
When working with layered elements, it's an issue not being able to select the underlying layers, as the hidden layer will still be selected. Having a "Hide/unhide all" would be great. This is especially a problem when working with hair....More
It would be great to have the whole object affected with soft selection, and not just the mesh elements. It is a pain to edit hair with just element based soft selection....More
Dear Hardworking Team Reallusion, Making a suggestion (The request of which may already have been made) : Is there A Hair - Beard Grooming feature in CC3 Pro in the making ? Thanks and Regards...More
I think it would be great if Character Creator 3 (or future version) could implement a particle hair system similar to Blender's, with full features for styling (combs, length adjustments, add/cut hair) and utilize physics to make such hair work and look good. I know there are certainly...More
When building a clothes library, it would be great to have a material library with some tilable materials that can be reused between models, to keep the naming consistent....More
When importing clothes from Daz, there is usually a lot of buttons and other detached details. This is an issue, as they're created as unique assets in CC3. It would be great to be able to combine/merge meshes in CC3, to remove this issue...More
hi just hoping that you could implement a more flexible morph import for CC3, that would allow for alien type characters to be imported as morphs, as such that would allow for the bones to accommodate the characters original leg form, for the way it is now the character imports with a heavy...More
I'm searching for an API that would support fast creation of a large number of realistic human characters with different poses. For example by running loops over values for 10 parameters to get the models with clothes then running values over other 10 pose parameters to get each model at different...More
When exporting 'custom' motion with an FBX (Clothed Character) file in CC3, the file select window only allows me to add a single motion file at the time. The exporter supports multiple motion files, so I would like to add them all at once!...More