Version of CA is showing as 5.02 while it should be 5.22 as it shows all updates applied. It is not showing motion pilot icon on left toolbar or anywhere else. How could I upgrade to 5.22 and how can download motion pilot ?...More
When actors and objects are of vector type in the project While I was exporting the project and selecting the 4K resolution to After Effects Images after export are not compatible with 4K quality...More
Spring effect does not work. Neither in new project nor with the projects that I created earlier. In composer mode's spring bone preview the effect looks fine. When I run the animation in stage mode none of the characters shows the spring effect. It worked earlier, so I have no idea what happened...More
Hello fellow Cartoon Animators! 1. It would be very helpful if Reallusion would have more of their Webinars by inviting DIFFERENT EXPERTS or guests to do them on a regular basis. This can give us a better perspective on how other expert users use the software. By learning from a variety of...More
I just wanted to suggest that it would be nice to look into wind effects in spring bones where they are controlled by the wind even when they are not moved, I feel with this feature, we do wonderful animations added to the spring effects already available. Thank you....More
With the addition of spring bones, I love the random ability to allow the springs to add so much dynamic movement in otherwise static and tedious animation. This suggestion would simply take the spring bones gravity functionality to an object's mass. Imagine being able to simply bring in...More