This is simply a vote of confidence, and I'll submit myself as a case study (BOXELS), to encourage Reallusion to sponsor, just for a few months, talented community professional influencers who have shown that they are already good at what they do, and are helping people learn the software using...More
I get this issue when I try to use a newly rigged character from scratch. What is causing this please? Look at Left and Right Hair, back hair, and back hair 2. VIDEO:...More
I just wanted to suggest that it would be nice to look into wind effects in spring bones where they are controlled by the wind even when they are not moved, I feel with this feature, we do wonderful animations added to the spring effects already available. Thank you....More
Iclone has a particle engine, why that cannot be used in CTA5? With springs added, particles could actually interact with springs to create some very cool effects. I understand it is in 3D but particles can be created in 2 axes also. Right now I have to rely on third-party particle engines...More