Trimble has made a change to 3DWarehouse, such that only Sketchup models in versions 2017, 2018, and 2019 can be downloaded. None of these versions are supported by 3DXchange; the latest supported version is Sketchup 2015. It would be great if 3DXchange were to be updated so that the latest...More
Hi, I have an issue with 3d exchange, when I try to open it,s flying to screen corner and closing without any message or error code. please, someone, help me thanks....More
I uploaded the obj file into 3dxchange, And after cliecked select all to go to “open” and import a texture, It ran very smooth. I saved it into an fbx file and tried importing It to mixamo. Then it started glitching COMPLETELY! In mixamo the whole face is glitching every time it moves. Did...More
3dwarehouse in iclone 3d change 7 dose not show earlier dates of 3d items to be download than 2016. my version of 3d change 7 let me download only earlier items then 2015 so 3dwarehouse is not useable for me . What can be done to fix the problem. Thanks, Zeev Offir....More
I do as written in the documentation: Make sure the grid is On (Shortcut: Ctrl + G)....More
Having just purchased 3D Xchange 7, I was expecting to see a better appearance for the layout. The previous version it is EXCEEDINGLY HARD TO SEE THE CONTROL PANEL - WHY could this not be fixed? I can barely READ the menus, & so why is there is NO option to make the text/fields bigger? This...More
3dxchange 7.23 ne fonctionne plus il fonctionnait très bien jusqu'à ce jour mais depuis le 17 aoùt 2018 impossible de le lancer il s'ouvre très vite et s'installe en réduction sur le côté gauche pour disparaître aussitôt . iclone 3dxchange 6 fonctionne, caractère creator de même , crazytalk...More
It's my understanding 3DXchange will open a .3ds scene file and allow you to export Alembic or .abc format for import to UE4. My 3ds file contains a PathDeform WSM (World Space Modifier) which doesn't export other than via Alembic, and UE4 can only take such animations via Alembic. No? If so...More