This feels like a no-brainer to work fast, selecting a bone while in Edit Motionlayer mode make curve editor follow selection to jump between curves fast. Selecting a bone now, then manually finding it within the small searchwindow in Curve editor is un-intuitive and slow....More
Please considder to restore the old content manager, or at least give it as a module we can install, like you did in Iclone 7 with the smart gallery. I work with Iclone for over 9 year and have loads of content, have my own system organizing my content manager, like in the prop, character...More
The problem is that I have a huge amount of project files in the IC7 version where I put the sound track in the character sound track , but I don't mean the viseme track, I mean the plain sound track. As there is no sound track associated with character in version 8, there is silence. I hope...More
Please add a list of undo and re-do actions to iClone so I can see where I went wrong when I re-trace my steps when I click the undo button. Excel provide this list of actions in their undo & re-do tab, why can't you?...More
I just purchased and installed iclone 8 today, however when I opened it the first time I noticed the gizmo quickly drifts away from the camera view, as I checked objects in the scene, it turned out the default cemra is moving, and also everything else in the scene including the lights are keep...More
GOSTARIA DE SABER, SE CONSIGO COMPRAR O IcLONE 8 PARACELADO NO CARTÃO? No brasil o dólar aumenta em muito o custo do produto para nós brasileiros... Gostaríamos de investir!...More
- When the camera is in Orthographic mode, Zooming doesn't work. In fact, it seems to control the camera location instead. Works fine in Perspective camera. - Having the 3DConnexion control scrubbing on the Timeline is a nice idea, because it feels like a proper scrubbing controller, however...More