AO, Metal, Roughness, Displacement etc are using RGB when instead they should be using Grayscale mode. The material slots designated for non color maps could be made to auto convert to grayscale to reduce file size, vram and performance overall. This would include making sure the physics textures...More
Antivirus The file C:\Program Files\Reallusion\iClone 7\Resource\ICTextToSpeech\montreal-forced-aligner\bin\thirdparty\bin\ali-to-pdf.exe is infected with Gen:Suspicious.Cloud.1.pyW@a8FHnNci and was moved to quarantine. It is recommended that you run a System Scan to make sure your system...More
Hello, I have an iAvatar file with set of few morphs which IClone can't export as Unreal preset due to its crash on the 67%. It appears that this bug occurs due to combination of morphs, as when I randomly remove one from that set the crash no longer occurs. In order to reproduce just import...More
Currently, if using PBR materials, Iclone uses linear workflow. However upon export, there's no way to save in a format that continues this linear workflow, and all clips are output as SRGB. For those of us wanting to use Iclone for professional animation, compositing and export, it is important...More
Hello! iClone is great! The forthcoming integration of popcornFXs will be great; however iClone is weak on water. Why not implementing at least splashes?...More
Hey Icloners as we cruised the internet we found this impressive and promising NEW piece of software. More Information please find under both Links. It is really amazing....More
When you import DAZ and other figures as I understand iClone Auto-applies a Persona to them when you import them into iClone. There is no setting or preference to turn this behavior off. Now that we have the Morph Creator, there needs to be. It's not clearly documented that a motion clip is...More
This is basically just a note to say that I think that the tooltips and other in-editor bits on iClone 7 could be more clear about what is happening and why with the sending of avatars to 3DXchange. Basically it doesn't send over any animations, and that was very much unexpected for me; I...More
Hi, I'm using LIVE FACE plugins to do all lipsynching of my characters, these were worked before but now anymore, I'm not sure what was the problem. my internet works perfectly, download speed is 58Mbps and upload is 4.32Mbps...More
Hi, I have imported a video (CTRL + drag&drop) and playing, I saw that it stops before the video end. The same video in IC6.54 plays correctly till the end....More