In timeline view when changing cameras, can we have a (big fat) solid rectangle that states "Camera1" or "Camera 2" etc (similar in size to the rectangle we see for animation)? So you can very easily see which camera is active in the timeline. Muvizu has a visual indicator like this and it...More
I & others spend so much time writing feedback about bugs ways to increase productivity etc I really wish DA points are automatically given to those that are confirmed issues/assigned -until resolved. I often wait and wait for months not being able to upload new products or create videos/scenes...More
PROBLEM: Many people have observed that the RENDER SPEED is affected by the SIZE of the iClone PREVIEW WINDOW. That seems inherently wrong. I am not talking about preview speed. PRIMARY SUGGESTION:...More
Morph Creator/Animator is a great tool, which can be used not only to deform the mesh but simply move and/or rotate props. With morphs you would have more control over props as oppose to baked perform actions or key-frame animation simply because 3-rd party apps (where morph are created)...More
I spent all day trying to get a simple spring physics to work in 7.3, but it just wouldn't work. I rolled back to iClone 6 and it works great! I tried a few different setups, but here's one that I duplicated which would not work in 7.3:
im trying to connect my xbox 360 kinent mocap plugin to iclone 7 but everything i've looked up on this does not work, i have all the programs they all work what im i donig wrong??? in all the manuals it shows me menus i don't have in the program, i need help with this....More
It seems strange that the user has to fool around with collision meshes. For fast rendering, iClone needs them at render time. But *between* renders there's a whole lot of processor power available that iClone could put to good use designing and keyframing the best layout of collision meshes...More
Hi, I would like to mention a problem about Motion Puppet. Whatever I do, whichever walk or character I choose, the subject always slides his/her left foot a little while his/her right foot remains steady. I mentioned the problem in the Forums at:
When working with Mocap data, or a big amount of animation data in general, it can be difficult to see the problem areas when playing at max speed. It would be great having a button similar to 3ds Max with speed options, instead of having to change the timeline....More