Hello I suggest reallusion to create a plugin for terrain import. When I create a terrain with software like earth sculptor or world creator, it looks nice from far view. But in a close view, the textures are ugly......More
After having a breakthrough with visual effects I realized that Reallusion could expand on this allowing people to make and sell their own projections animated and stills already set up in the point lights. This is my example https://youtu.be/B9o8pHr-fsk Many things could be created and...More
I bought the iClone 7 and some Export content for "Fire Fighters" character from marketplace just yesterday, I bought all these to make my life easy, but seems like I ended up in similar problems by spending rather more The bones are completely different in this content I bought there are...More
I like that iclone uses physx, Oh a choice between CPU and GPU option would be nice , please add . but i would love to see rag doll physics for characters . So characters interact with each other eg fists , legs , heads collide with others . I am sure this can be done as shapes for collision...More
Because Reallusion decided to make iClone (iC) and Chaarcter Creator (CC) different products with different file formats there is a lot of content being sold as either CC Cloth / CC Accessories or iC7 Clothing / iC7 Props which can easily be converted to the other format. The issue is that...More
Each time I try to install purchased items from the market place I get the following message. "Please launch your program and log in to your Reallusion Member Account to activate installed content and try again." I have tried to find the content downloader on the computer but have no idea...More
AO, Metal, Roughness, Displacement etc are using RGB when instead they should be using Grayscale mode. The material slots designated for non color maps could be made to auto convert to grayscale to reduce file size, vram and performance overall. This would include making sure the physics textures...More
hese are not up to par or todays industry standard and are very limited when compared to free software and this is also the older Popcorn FX its not even up to date so what should iclone7 & be used for bc i have all of your addons and at this point its giving waste of money bc I cant even import...More
Hi Guys, I am wondering about a couple of issues. How to setup a self replicating loop on the time line. Without having to use your loop tool, which works, but is a pain....More