When you export something to FBX out of iClone and set max texture size value, all texture in iClone for that prop/avatar is getting reset to that value. Please fix....More
• Work with DAZ Productions to develop a more seamless, FBX-less, native DAZ file importer; should work with characters, props, clothing, and even entire scenes in the .DUF or .DSA or .DSE file format. And should work with Character Creator and iClone especially, without the need for 3DXChange...More
Moving from animating and rigging in C4d or any other softwar, I think it would really be helpful and increase animation speed if we could get the motion layer IK controls over the bones in the viewport, creating a sort of rig to animate with. selecting bones and/or options from the edit motion...More
I & others spend so much time writing feedback about bugs ways to increase productivity etc I really wish DA points are automatically given to those that are confirmed issues/assigned -until resolved. I often wait and wait for months not being able to upload new products or create videos/scenes...More
I would like to suggest an export feature that would allow for ARKIT blendshape export to use in Unreal Engine. Currently right now only the body morphs work. But the facial blendshapes do not. A conversion setup would be great to allow for use with the ARKIT in unreal....More
using the modify panel way loads crazytalk that needs conversion to be returned back via cc2 then cc3 then cc3+ a lot of steps headshot will do away with using current panel change.crazytalk seems more cartoon animator than iclone with advent of head shot and cc3+ workspace...More
I use iClone7.81 for animation works and use those FBX files in Unreal. And I sometimes need the character's root node to be fixed at the origin. According to the manual, I understand the "Reset Motion Root" enables the root node to follow the hip motion. https://manual.reallusion.com/iClone...More
I am using iClone 7.8 in UE4 development and found a serious issue related to character offsetting it's origins. 1) With UE4's default character (SK_Mannequin), I imported the UE's reference A-Pose via 3DX 2) and exported it directly from iClone without any modification (using default unreal...More
Hi, I want to be able to render in Unreal but also be able to render the figure inside iClone to then composite the two renders in post. This should be easily possible with an iClone piloted camera but reality is that it's not possible because the Unreal and the iClone render do not match...More
The bone edit mode, within the edit motion layer tool, no longer works when I select the bones from the viewport since the update. I was able to do so in iClone7.7 with no issues. The FK mode works fine, but the IK mode does not. It makes selecting and editing the extended bones easier....More