Is it possible for Reallusion to develop a live video stream plug-in from the iPhone or another 4k camera so you can live stream into iclone in realtime in iclone set-up instead of UE4? I can do it in UE4 but I have much more control in iclone for the look and animations....More
Suggest use different colour for highlighting text in Forum as difficult to read yellow on white text- Should be an easy fix with darker colour. Forum doesn't seem to have its own feedback thread for forum site issues . You might consider adding one one or including it here under the products...More
When I open iClone 7.8, add the Caleb character, then look at the viewport, the result is very low quality compared to marketing material (ie. the reallusion website). The render via iRay is even worse - like a melted plastic barbie doll covered with oil. :)...More
Toon Light has been great so far, but I loaded a relatively big apartment, added a character, and when I add Toon Light, everything disappears. I search and find the avatar in space with no apartment to be found. It just may be because my laptop is not really made for this, although it meets...More
I have reported this as a bug but it was closed without recognizing it as a serious problem. this needs some serious attention Requests /Fix: 1. Disconnect the hips movement / rotation / tilting against the feet when foot / ground control is activated and using the gizmo (z) to drag the...More
Perhaps a simple checkbox in the material area "Enable Looping" would assign the textures to a different timeline system whereby each texture slot can have its own adjustable timing.. Once looping has been enabled and the character or object exported as FBX/Obj /Unity/UDK the texture channels...More
Hi for a future update id love to see more done with Pop Video which I've found has been a massive help with my work in video compositing. I don't think any other package out there does this as easy and as streamlined as Iclone with the ability to move them round as billboards and have it match...More
Hi I was wondering if you can add an option for a collection of props added to use their own default icon for uploading. I'd rather not waste time on creating a recapture for each when I am trying to upload 72 props that need their own thumbnail icon. The only option available is to upload...More
Hi I've mention this in Webinars but I thought I'd bring this up again with new wave driver -Ocean Audio! (through sound frequency triggers) I think the more noise an audio signal has the more noise could be generated for the white water and this would likely be a trigger from the upper frequency...More
I'd like to be able to see a preview of a high quality renders on a big screen fully than only see small areas full size in areas on a 1920x1080 monitor. On my 4K screen if I press "maximize" it stays at 1920x1080". I'm Developing content for the marketplace and need the ability to see as...More