dear sir, crazytalk abuse a huge amount of memory and spaces on hard disk. you see it needs over 100 Gb !!! on hard disk to export 10 min video which huge. I do not understand why, is this normal or defect in program. I attached picture of my hard disk and ram memory for only 9 min project...More
We just got Crazy Talk 8 and we're about to get the full iClone package. We're not sure what specific file types are exportable between the two apps, so once we have a 3D head and character body created in CT8, can we export it into iClone with full animation capabilities for the face and...More
Since I purchased these two accessories for my CT8 Pipeline for MAc. My CT* keeps crashing. I reported it and it was suggested to install, delete, install, etc. I tried this, I also tried re-installing CT8 and all of the resource packs, still it crashes. I have custom avatars that I have been...More
The sound import use to be working. But now it does not work at all. I can play the sound on my QuickTime outside CT8, but within CT8 it plays no sound at all. I imported old sounds that worked before in previous productions, and they don't work either in my NEW production. If I open an old...More
Steps I took to accomplish this look: 1. Male Photos taken from Samsung S4 phone using the HDR setting. 2. Downloaded the male photos taken to Mac Hard drive....More
I tried the the Mac version of crazytalk 8.1 pipeline and it had several text to speech voices but to my BIG DISSAPOINTMENT the windows full version had only one voice. Why is that? Is it related to difference between Mac and Windows?...More
Sorry for my english, i am not a native speaker / writer :) Several Bugs on a Macbook Pro Retina (10.11.6): If i change the desktop while working in Crazy Talk, the program crashes always!!...More