Looking at Characters close up isn't as realistic as I thought.. it does look at a distance. I hope that you can integrate a skin-to-morph" projection component to help with bigger deformities like neck veins or tendons and or the ability to generate the displacement textures from the normal...More
After launching SkinGen, the micro normals disappear from the character's skin materials. This happens because the micro normal mask is getting de-referenced in the material editor. While SkinGen is active, the micro normal mask texture shows a warning logo. After exiting SkinGen, the texture...More
hi just wondered if it is possible to get a normal map for the tile generator and a tiling slider for the decal tools, and are the link controls limited to the tool used or can they link tools? thanks, cool plugin...More
My project used Headshot and base content modified through the appearance editor and morphing. Once I was happy with the overall appearance I converted the model to the Game Base Model and manually reduced hair and clothing. When I use the pipeline extension to export to Blender the textures...More
hi , just wondered now with the new human texture editor whats going to happen with the updating of the appearance editor so we can use substance materials, for this is the reason i bought cc3 in the first place, with out the appearance editor and use of substance, it's not much good, plus...More
Currently, only the front portion of the face texture is generated by headshot and then blended into the cheeks and rest of the face. I create an old man face but the old man template in headshot contrasts starkly to the generated face which has a clear outline around it. Can clone stamp...More
I create a new face using the pro tab and then I make many facial adjustments. But then I find I have a better/different photo. Uploading new photo causes all former modifications/face sculpting to be erased. Alternatively, how can I save all facial expressions and facial sculpting in...More
Dear Developer Team, The generation of AAA quality game hair cards and game hair is extremely tedious and time consuming. Could you please make an automatic hair generator based on zbrush fibermesh? Thank you,...More