I'm using accurig ver 1.0.3 to export to maya 2023. The usd and fbx exports don't retain the end fingertip joints when they are imported to maya....More
So this software just adds skeleton without any controllers? Or Maya(2020) imported it with somekind of error? If it's just a skeleton, then I dont get the purpose of this software....More
I'm exploring the new AccuRIG and there are some maniability matters I'd like to address: - It would be much easier to have a middle line to which we can snap the joints for the bones that need to be right in the middle like in mixamo (head/neck/groin/pelvis ...etc). Side bones are mirrored...More
I would like to filter the Motion Capture library by captures I have already purchased. Another helpful filter would be looping. Also the captures that have "start, loop, end" are much more valuable that the ones that don't have that....More
The new interaction animations are really cool, kudos to that! The dance animations are also cool. I was wondering if you guys can create animations for couple dancing or something like Waltz, Rumba, Foxtrot, Ballroom dances. It would be helpful for us creators. Thank you for your hardwork...More
Most of the free items i have in my inventory are not showing up in my smart gallery. i added them last new and no matter how many times I sync nothing appears...More