Importing fbx file into 3dxchange pipeline (previously exported from DAZ with facial mocap data on it) and accepting automated bone structure conversion, resulting with jaw not mapped warning. After manual mapping nothing could be accomplished, head is moving, but jaw and the eyes not. Its...More
When I import any DAZ gen3 or 8 character into 3DXchange7 it will load fine and display. When I try to export or click "Apply to iClone" the program is busy for a while and then crashes. There is no error message, it just disappears. GPU is RTX2080 with driver DAZ Pro...More
1. I have a custom pbr base color, normal and roughness texture on my cc character for the head only. 2. I export it to iavatar and open it in 3dx 7. 3. It loads for a while and then program stops responding and crashes....More
Not able to check the boxes in the export selection to export without facial bones. This function does not work and it is creating a huge problem in unity. Although you show this to be an option in your web help guide. I have wasted many hours on this and would like this to be sorted as soon...More
When using the "Convert to Non-standard"-setup to use animations from Axis Neuron, everything seems to go fine, but at one point in the animation the left arm snaps to the side. this happens to multiple animations. -- I also can't seem to attach a .zip file with the video to show the issue...More
hello! I'm having serious trouble with 3dxchange! I'm importing a model used by Daz gen3 and gen8. When prompted it asks if I would like to convert to a non standard talking character and I click yes. than after it loads, the non standard button is highlighted and the facial expression key...More
Bug happens with most of the other product installers(iClone/CC3 etc) as well. Very noticeable with the pipeline bonus installer of causing catastrophic error on installer until I tried moving the installer from USB to C drive. Needed to fix some Reallusion related registries as well after...More
I was wondering character setup converting to non standard model for presets where you have a daz3d preset and 3dmax etc can you mkae a unreal and a unity3d plus mixamo presets drop down tab? I usually buy a lot of animations from unity3d and unreal and it would be cool if I didnt have to...More
Sometimes when content is exported via 3DXChange using the Export OBJ option, the resulting file has incorrect Materials/Textures assigned and/or the UV Mapping is incorrect. I have not been able to identify the deciding factor if the material/textures will export correctly or not. The problem...More