3DXchange 7
Issue 6161
Request to allow Softbody Physics on character's skin -influenced areas are to determined by weight map painting
I've already talked with support about this and was informed that the only way this is currently possible is to export the character as an FBX with animations then import into 3DXchange as a prop ( do not characterize it).

This is ok unless you want to see real-time action such as using mocap or the puppet tools.

I envision body flab jiggles after each stomp or impact, all jiggle areas are defined by the weight map. Spring joints are ok but take a lot of time to setup and fine tune and because you're applying the effect to a whole joint may not offer the same realism.
OS: Windows 10
  •  32
  •  6397
Submitted byAscensi
Prevent materials from floating away
*To keep textures from falling when a creator wants the entire model to have maximum flexibility across the character's materials/UVs by programming the materials to stay together by pinning the materials borders of the *other* neighboring materials black padding.

Physics Painting Presets:
Also the physics painting tool should have preset limits (tones to choose from for different levels of flexibility.
*The weight map painter could be converted to a plugin that can exist in iClone & CTA for Physics Texture Painting directly on the model with texture bake. To get details, highest subdivision or tessellation and displacement texture should be used to create Physics weight maps. It would be interesting if you add 2D Physics to CTA and now it seems like this could be possible.
Fatt Kidd
This definitely should already be a feature. The spring option is cool but very limited in controls.
@blindman Physics for characters existed in 2019 then they removed it after a few questions and said it doesn't work. This year I made a copy of the character externally and made it work through CC3 and then iclone with the help of external tools. I think it wasn't ready to be supported not having proper collider system and proper physics maps, they likely didn't know how to make it work at that time and certainly wouldn't be able to offer support for it. They could have an easy system up and running that could take the pain I want though in order to see if I can make it work.  I will work on another example soon that should put more awe into the realism and hopefully have more people plead with Reallusion to make it happen.
Any character converted to  non standard speaking  in  3DX can have a weightmap applied and operate in realtime, not sure what the reallusion team is talking about
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