iClone 8
Issue 10887
Physics Conflict with newer animations
First physics issue: I was trying to setup a scene with my polar bear which uses displacement and soft cloth physics so the displacement/fur works with the wind (which it does work properly with any animations directly from the cc4 player but not from the content library even if they are the same animations)

What happens when I use newer animations from the content library is that as soon as it's played, the displacement hair explodes into long spikes and makes the bear look like a porcupine.

Second issue:
Using either a combination of constraints with other physics such as the bear using cloth that are disabled in the scene or other props also hidden using constraints make the physics of one prop visible become very unstable and often crashes iclone. I'd often use the puppet prop tool to test.

Upon recovery, usually two physics icons/tabs would show side by side -as if it's trying to load two physics props in the same panel at the same time. I will update this later with images, system info and a project file you can test.
OS: Windows 11
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Submitted byAscensi
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Thanks for the info! I'll test it out and hopefully make a release as soon as possible.  It's a bit odd though that the motionplus format would alter custom user settings rather than save them as is, this still seems like a bug. Anyway I will try your suggestion.
I had a sphere skinned/weight painted to a plane with spring joints. I've shared the project with Rampa a while back but he probably doesn't have it anymore.

I've made changes to the displacement strength and multiplier as you suggested and the animations now work correctly. The reason why I changed the strength lower is that displacement strength also seems to influence like a normal map changing bump strength (normal map was imported and set as a normal map) 

I  have not yet tested the physics prop with the revised Polar bear in the scene, that would have to be in the distant future as I've hit a roadblock for now that Reallusion might update discussed here :
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi Ascensi,

Do you mean that your texture strength is changged?If yes,because motionplus includes material settings.Last time you mentioned IC crash,can you provide more steps?

Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi Ascensi,

The "long spikes " is not caused by physics,but is Tessellation.The motionplus include texture Strength,when you apply motionplus,your Displacement Stength is changed to 100.Please change Displacement texture Stength to 100,then reduce the value of Mulitiplier in Tessellation section.The polar bear will look fine.

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Private Comment
Almost forgot, try out the actor animations as well directly added to the character from the content manager, you will notice a big difference between adding from the content manager and the play bar.
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