3DXchange 7
Issue 3736
3dx 7.2 crashes on start
I installed 3dx 7.2 and it crashes. Saw on the forums that C++ redist was the issue. So, I removed it and reinstalled iclone 7 and 3dx 7 latest version. 3dx still crashes. I have attached the log file.
OS: Windows 10
  •  16
  •  5095
Submitted bygogstudios
1 2 34
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi, j.brewer,

Please file another issue of your own, and attach the System information file and the startup log of 3DXchange to us, so that we can track the issue for you.

Here is the description about how to get your system information file.

Download the zip file with the link below, inside the zip you can find the description about how to generate the startup log and crash dump.

Please assist as soon as possible. I am having difficulty sending a crash log. I am having the same issue. 

3DExchange 7.2 crashes on start up. I have already uninstalled and reinstalled everything. I uninstalled all C++ Redistributables and reinstalled, and repaired them. I have gone through the forums and I have found 0 real solutions. 

I am on a MSI Stealth VR with Geforce GTX 1060. 

My job depends on this software working so please get back to my ASAP. 
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi, j.brewer,

Please see previous comment to help testing the 3DX7 in DX11 mode, to confirm if this approach can solve the crash on launch issue on your computer?
Your help is highly appreciated.

Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi, j.brewer,

Please see the comment announced for the 3DX7 for DX11 test version, and help us to confirm whether this version of 3DX7 in DX11 mode is launch-able on your computer?

Your help is highly appreciated.

Feedback Tracker Admin
For any one who have the similar problem, please file another issue of your own, and send the System information file and the startup log of 3DXchange to us, so that we can track the issue for each one of you.

Here is the description about how to get your system information file.

Download the zip file with the link below, inside the zip you can find the description about how to generate the startup log and crash dump.

I am having the same problem. There is no way of starting the application and worst of all is that the problem is happening in the middle of a project that is already started that needs to be complete by this week. Waiting 2 to 3 days just for a reply is dreadful  while the time frame for this project is closing in. 
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi, a.misfit.production,

Please see previous comment to help testing the 3DX7 in DX11 mode, to confirm if this approach can solve the crash on launch issue on your computer?
Your help is highly appreciated.

Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi, a.misfit.production,

Please see the comment announced for the 3DX7 for DX11 test version, and help us to confirm whether this version of 3DX7 in DX11 mode is launch-able on your computer?

Your help is highly appreciated.

Similar problem: 3DXchange7Pipeline CRASH = Clicked on icon, splash screen and then a message "the program stopped working"
I have made clean uninstall, deleted "3dx7Temp" folder and run the "CleanReg.EXE". Uninstalled Reallusion Hub. Downloaded from my account "ic3DXchange7Pipeline_Enu_Full.exe". Switched off Bitdefender antivirus and installed 3DXchange7Pipeline. Restarted PC and Installed Reallusion Hub from which I updated a patch for 3DXchange7Pipeline. Clicked on DXchange7Pipeline icon to start it. Program CRASHED. I have spent last 11 days trying to fix it, but so far NO solution. I have checked the Internet for possible options. I have also found that this 3DXchange 7 Pipeline CRASH experienced several other customers. So far they don't seem to find the solution either. I have tried to use several older drivers on my NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti, but no difference. I have now back the latest one. I have also clicked on the icon and properties to run it with the compatibility of Windows 8 and disabling display scaling on high DPI setting. No difference 3DXchange 7 Pipeline Crashes. This is all with the latest Windows 8.1 updates. So, it seems to me that there is the problem with the 3DXchange 7 Pipeline program itself, which needs to be fixed.
Feedback Tracker Admin
Hi, feelingood,

Please see the comment announced for the 3DX7 for DX11 test version, and help us to confirm whether this version of 3DX7 in DX11 mode is launch-able on your computer?

Your help is highly appreciated.

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