
Visual Reference Guide - Image Processing
The reference guide shows visually how different parameters settings will affect your project. This guide is also useful in highlighting the flexibility of the Effect3D Studio application

Brightness & Contrast
Brightness & contrast are used to adjust the brilliance of an object and the tonal difference between the lightest and darkest colors
Brightness = -40 Brightness = -20 Original image Brightness = 20 Brightness = 40
Contrast = -7 Contrast = -3 Original image Contrast = 3 Contrast = 7

Hue is the apparent color irrespective of brightness or saturation. Red, green, purple and yellow are all hues.
Hue= -40 Hue= -20 Original image Hue= 20 Hue= 40
Adjust Hue of object & background
Adjust Hue of object only

Saturation is the level of purity in a single color's hue
Saturation = -100 Saturation = -40 Original image Saturation = 40 Saturation = 80

Increase visual impact of an image
Glow enables you to create a halo around the 3D object used in your project. The color of the glow as well as the size and blurriness can be adjusted to achieve the desired effect
Blur=5, Range=2 Blur=10, Range=2 Blur=10, Range=5 Blur=15, Range=5

Drop Shadow 
A shadow created by an image repeated behind itself slightly offset to create the illusion that it is floating over its background 
No Shadow
Blur = 4    Opacity = 40  
Offset X =  2       Y = 3 
(Default Setting)
Blur = 1    Opacity = 40
Offset X =  2       Y = 3
Blur = 2 Opacity = 90
Offset X =  2       Y = 3 
Blur = 2    Opacity = 40
Offset X =  4       Y = 6
Colored Shadow
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