672 issues found


Not Reproducible
I have imported a Character (CC3+) as an iAvatar file and cannot utilize the MotionDirector. There is no "iMD" file associated with the Character (the character is listed in red text in the director pane). Whether I select the Default "Male" or "Female" animation I get the error message:...More
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Submitted by steven.conde.writer


Not Reproducible
I wanted to export the facial expressions and viseme animation with the unreal export settings but first to import to blender to change some bones. and the animation doesnt import to blender this way... :(
i needed to do it this way cause i had to keep those bone names for unreal....More
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Submitted by ahingel


Not a Bug
Using iPhone Live Face Profile for Motion Live, left and right eyebrows do not move up/down independently. They move up together and move down together within iClone, even though the face mesh displayed in the iPhone app correctly shows one eyebrow high and the other low.
I've seen comments...More
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Submitted by barca-8


The same mixamo animations were importing perfectly fine for me 2 days go, now when import the very same animations from the same downloaded files and from newly downloaded files they have these issues. Before every mixamo animation was importing perfectly, now every mixamo animation I import...More
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Submitted by anim_dude_22


Not Reproducible
I can see my created scene perfectly in quickmode but when I switch to medium or high mode some of the primary objects in the scene like rocks and trees are turning into giant triangular pixelated things. So i'm not understanding why it's not looking the same in quickmode. I cannot even get...More
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Submitted by starseedfilms_631110


as mentioned in title, reset motion pivot causes a glitched frame on animations that rotate - I cant find a way to fix this? i think it's because the actor rotates to 360 degrees and all keyframes from that point are at 360 so when you reset pivot it resets the rotation back to 0 causing the...More
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  •  136
Submitted by nebmotion


Not Reproducible
When doing character animation - often the eye ''closed'' offset while blinking error occurs. I can fix this in CC4 but I would like to stay in IC8...More
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Submitted by R00B


Maybe its a bit of a streach but since Vroid is getting more and more popular, it would be cool to be able to import VRM files, instead of having to export them to FBX in blender, I think it would save a lot of time since you wouldn't need to re do a lot of things in character creator...More
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  •  316
Submitted by gamerretra


Not Reproducible
+ System
- Provider
[ Name] Application Error...More
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Submitted by Angelramosjr13


I wouldn't say this is a bug or anything, more just, maybe like a feature request, please add the option to be able to change textures of plants in iClone, it would be nice if you want to make flowers a different colour, I can do that on grass no problem but plants the option isn't there, I...More
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Submitted by gamerretra
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