after importing simulation clothe from Clo 3d, it works fine but crash when i want to save my file. and impossible to upload zip file here to send you original file....More
This file was provided by Xsens and contains hand tracking data from their Manus gloves: Load it in 3DXchange as a non-standard character, I mapped with this profile:...More
AO, Metal, Roughness, Displacement etc are using RGB when instead they should be using Grayscale mode. The material slots designated for non color maps could be made to auto convert to grayscale to reduce file size, vram and performance overall. This would include making sure the physics textures...More
I was not able to get unreal engine live link work for iclone working. Below is my error message LoginId:f8e090f541e478ee964721939ac090ff EpicAccountId:c6f42f8d8fc94677a4f75ec9f26fd227...More
when I try to export to Omniverse it says the feature is only available in 3dxchange Pipeline. You can install it or purchase it. I had already downloaded Iclone 7 3dxchange v 7.81 Pro...More
Feedback - tldr: no further action necessary. please feel free to close without comment. HOWEVER, if you would, please read and pass along up the chain of command. I mentioned to Peter in the forums that the current offer for upgrading to IC8 and CC4 does not take into account those of...More
Antivirus The file C:\Program Files\Reallusion\iClone 7\Resource\ICTextToSpeech\montreal-forced-aligner\bin\thirdparty\bin\ali-to-pdf.exe is infected with Gen:Suspicious.Cloud.1.pyW@a8FHnNci and was moved to quarantine. It is recommended that you run a System Scan to make sure your system...More
My files keep crashing after I hit play after adding motion to an object. I’ll google crash files in the morning to figure out how to sent those...More
The movements run at the same speed, regardless of whether I use the realtime mode or per frame (necessary for soft cloth). This works in the projects created before the last update, in all new projects after the last update the Per Frame mode no longer works....More