iClone 7
Issue 8284
e-mail dated 12-9 is misleading and unclear
Feedback - tldr: no further action necessary. please feel free to close without comment. HOWEVER, if you would, please read and pass along up the chain of command.

I mentioned to Peter in the forums that the current offer for upgrading to IC8 and CC4 does not take into account those of us who supported Reallusion by buying 3dxchange 7 pipeline, and that our purchase SHOULD be taken into account because that functionality will now be built into the main software. Peter replied that he passed the suggestion along to marketing. Not long after, I received an email dated 12-9 that said:

"With this special deal we invite you to join the WIP Presales offer (accumulated order value over $399 and above) and be the first to receive a copy of iClone 8 and Character Creator 4.
In addition, we’d like to take this opportunity to express our appreciation for your continuous support and the early participation in iClone 8 and CC4 pre-sale campaign by offering you this professional Motion Director Theme Pack - Speed Move (value $99) - which is a great companion to iClone 8's Motion Director system to speed up production time."

This led me to erroneously believe that rather than paying $799 to upgrade to IC8 and CC4, I would only need to pay $399. This seemed generous and FAIR, considering that 3dxchange cost more than IC7 and CC3 put together. I thought that would be a reasonable discount. Unfortunately, I see in the forums that this is not the case. There is still NO consideration for those of us who supported Reallusion, who made possible (through buying reallusion's expensive 3dxchange software) the development of IC8 and CC4 (AND the integration of 3dxchange). Instead, we are offered the "free" gift of something I neither need, nor want, that is totally unrelated to the products I bought, and unrelated to the offer, and unrelated to my suggestion.

Reallusion, of course, is free to do what it wants. You could choose to have NO special offers at all. However, please consider the people who bought your products, the faithful customers like myself. I've been a reallusion customer for 10 years, and have bought over $6,500 worth of reallusion products. I feel your response to my legitimate issue with the ugrade is less than satisfactory. If this is what I can expect from Reallusion, I'll save my money.

Reallusion USED to be a tool for hobbyists. It was expensive, but fairly reasonable. If you REALLY want to someday become a $15,000 top-of-the-line tool used by professionals, raved about by all 12 of your buyers, you're going in the right direction. Please consider the customers and fans who made this possible.

And maybe in the future try to be more clear and up-front in your communications, and not hide the true price behind links and gimmicks.

No further action is necessary. Feel free to close this report without further ado, but if you would, pass this along up the chain of command. Thank you for your time.
OS: Windows 11
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Submitted bysimilarly