Hi Im trying to write a "walk down stairs" script but I am unable to set the characters x y z transition position(Torso) in the generated clip. I can set it for the Transition Track but this is outside of the motion clip....More
IMPORTANT: Before testing this the PopcornFX_Sequencer folder must be deleted from C:\Program Files\Reallusion\iClone 7\Bin64\OpenPlugin See this issue report for details:...More
I would strongly advise the development team to be very cautious "opening" iclone to 3rd party developers to be able to add plugins by the truckloads - This IS a double edge sword ;;; it can provide progress and certainly bring great tools on one end On the contrary fragment the program and...More
Currently if you try use a RLPy.RIObject saved in a variable and the object was deleted iClone crash. It would be good to be able to check if the object is still valid....More
When you only change rotation with: .SetData("Rotation/RotationX"... Even if you press the play button and try hide and unhide the object the keys wont show until you save and re-load the project....More
When you set an angle like 359 degrees on frame 1 with code like this: control=transform_settings.GetControl("Rotation/RotationZ") control.SetValue(RLPy.RTime(time_value), float(math.radians(rot_z)))...More
When using SetData("Position/PositionX"...) on props there is no issue. It works fine. But when try use it on an avatar will set it to the wrong position. pos_x=-1084...More