291 issues found


Not a Bug
To have gentle physics effects is currently not possible for undersea life. With or without object gravity and having the gust frequency lower than .5
it still jerks the physics.. it's as if the physics needs curve presets options or have more than one gust frequency controllers to create...More
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Submitted by Ascensi


I'd really like to be able to animate the displacement channel but only have specific areas be influenced.
For example, in some situations I can't have displacement applied to the whole model, it will unfold areas like the tips of seagrass or corners of a model.
This concept could be good...More
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Submitted by Ascensi


Add option to save "Pose offset" in to Motion and MotionPlus - files
This would be nice to have, if you for example setup a pose offset in iClone and you want to export that motion in CC3 and want the offset to be applied on that export... I know that you can set Pose offset in CC3 but you...More
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Submitted by anders_187857


The bone edit mode, within the edit motion layer tool, no longer works when I select the bones from the viewport since the update. I was able to do so in iClone7.7 with no issues.
The FK mode works fine, but the IK mode does not. It makes selecting and editing the extended bones easier....More
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Submitted by danielchardy


After having a breakthrough with visual effects I realized that Reallusion could expand on this allowing people to make and sell their own projections animated and stills already set up in the point lights.
This is my example https://youtu.be/B9o8pHr-fsk Many things could be created and...More
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Submitted by Ascensi


Since recent major updates to iClone 7 and Character Creator, the Avavtar Puppet Controller is not functioning in record mode. It will do everything it is supposed to do until you hit record button and want to move your character with a moving record timeline. Once you hit record it just freezes...More
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Submitted by poppet


It's odd that in the timeline there is a setting for materials but you can't edit its UVs.. and there is no option to animate the transform. I don't understand why this wouldn't of been included? It's pretty normal to animate the sun going down and this could be as simple as adjusting the...More
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Submitted by Ascensi


Since updating to iClone 7.8 the Avatar / puppet controller now sits inside the scene window with the avatar and assets where it works - very badly. If I click the maximise button ie then vacates the scene window and I can drag and drop it where I want, but it is no longer attached to the avatar...More
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Submitted by bryntowns


I noticed that when I drag in animal characters, basically props with bones, the latest iclone is messed up in that it doesn't seem to pop up an edit motion layer panel like it does for human avatars.
I noticed that if I click 'Bone Edit Mode' on for human characters I will then be able to...More
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Submitted by davidmaximo


whenever my pc plays a clip in timeline either by adding a motion clip, using motion puppet , playing back clip, or using popcorn editor (SIMULATE) my computer freezes every few seconds. I even upgraded to a new computer only to find the problem still exists with this one too. It only happens...More
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Submitted by TBone50
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