Hi team! I can't change the colours (render settings) of any ctprops that are created by dragging in popvideos, mp4s or avis - even though this feature works properly with all of these imported files as props in iClone. A little background:...More
It takes FOREVER to download purchased content using the Reallusion Content Downloader on a my Mac! (I have OS10.14 which is not listed in the OS dropdown menu) Does any one else have trouble downloading content? My internet speed is not great as I'm in a rural area and have satellite access...More
I'm having issues installing two bonus packs (see the attached screenshots), I have also downloaded a trial version of Cartoon Animator 4 can have the same issue with installing add-on software. I have tried un-installing and re-installing the software, turn off my virus software, and still...More
I saw on the forum that CT has changed its name, and I never got the link for the download. My order # is: Order Number 10534992. Also, I was checking out a refresher on Crazy Talk 2, and reference was made to the "3D motion key". I purchased CT2 earlier this year, and my version doesn...More
I have to save frequently as it often crashes while I'm working, and every time I do it crashes, meaning that I have to reload the software every few minutes, which grinds my workflow to a halt. Where is the autosave feature? Why is it so unstable?...More
There appears to be an issue controlling crazytalk animator 3 render style outline menu. In Crazytalk animator 2, you could of control render style outline menu with the back and forward keys. In Crazytalk animator 3 your have to use the mouse, which makes it difficult to get precise control...More
This is not a new issue for me. I've stopped using your product because it is not adjusted to run on 4k monitors. I periodically, open the application and upgrade it to the latest version, hoping that you have addressed the issue. I'm always surprised that this issue remains unaddressed....More
... I will delete this. I didn't find any Quick Start tutorial and only a very confusing user manual. Well, I found out how to open the timeline view, at least, and I'd say that it was not very intuitive. And it looks like some Windows-port. No Save as... or Open where I am used to find it...More
en cliquant sur TIMELINE, parc t o , bug. Avant J'AI ÉTÉ VOIR FOCUS ALL au début du stage. J'ai remarqué qu'une autre fois cela avait fait un bug. puis clic sur FENETRE eclairée.Ctprop ou... fenetre5.png ? donc sélectionnée....More